At the upcoming monthly meeting of the Eastsound Planning Review Committee on Thursday, Nov. 1 at the Eastsound Fire Hall René Beliveau, County Planning and Development Director, will give an update on the Planning Department, Sub Area checklist and Change of Use, outlining the process for tracking and helping owners with change of use in Eastsound.

The Committee will also review projects and hear updates from County Council members Richard Fralick or Patty Miller about the Orcas Transfer Station, CAO, SMP, budget, and other council news.

Lisa Byers, Executive Director of OPAL and former chair of EPRC, will give a presentation on Affordable Housing.

The agenda includes a review of the proposed changes to Land Use Tables. The Streetscape Plan as it affects Prune Alley will be discussed by the EPRC, after an update by Member Fred Klein.

Members of the EPRC are Clyde Duke, Fred Klein, Gulliver Rankin, Ted Grossman, Teri Williams and Rick Hughes. The meeting will be held at 3 p.m.