— from Frank Mulcahy, County Public Works Director —

The Orcas Hazardous Waste Round-up will be at the Orcas Transfer Station on Saturday April 12, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Hazardous waste will be accepted separately from your regular garbage and recycling, and there will be a separate line from the gate to the exact drop-off location.

Collection is free for households; there is a fee for businesses.

Please don’t pour anything toxic, flammable, or corrosive down the drain or on the ground.  That could harm your heath and contaminate drinking water.   And don’t  put it in the garbage where it could hurt a worker or go into the landfill.  Bring it to the Round-up!

On San Juan Island, the HHW Roundup will Saturday April 26, and on Lopez Island it will be Saturday June 21.