Updated Jan. 18 at 12:30 p.m.

By Harry Patton

Hi, gang, I’m still hangin’ in there!

This is just to advise of my status.

At this moment in time I’m doin’ okay. I’m warm in my cabin, sleeping well, and sufficient food. Propane and wall heaters are doing okay.

But I’m lonesome as hell.

I have some three inches of frozen snow on the property, and it is beginning to snow again. Nuts!

The half-mile lane up the hill is frozen solid. Brother Bob tried to drive out cupla days ago and couldn’t make it.So, I am marooned, and don’t really care as the big-truck EMT’s are a phone call away.

However, as you know, a huge snow storm is scheduled to commence late today [Jan. 17] and continue all day tomorrow!
Here we go again!

This coming event could possibly impact me somewhat, but I will stay and fight!(To the last dram of Demarra Dark.)

Yesterday Bill Buchan called to see if I was still able to give my historical presentation Jan. 29 at the Orcas Historical Museum. It will cover significant events and humor in the Doe Bay, Sea Acres, and Pt. Lawrence areas commencing in 1907 when Grampa bought our property.

Bill asked if I needed any food and I said yes, but he shouldn’t come as the lane was frozen and he couldn’t get back out. At 9 this morning a big Mark IX four-wheel-drive truck came through the deep frozen snow, Bill got out, and brought in a huge bag of groceries!

How about that? I’m fixed for the storm! He musta gotten safely back up to the County road as I haven’t seen him since.

This is how it is on Orcas. People helping people.