Harry Patton with his good friend, Anita Boldman at the Historical Museum last Sunday

By Margot Shaw

There was standing room only for Harry Patton’s personal stories of the east end of Orcas over the past 110-odd years.  The local raconteur held forth in the back exhibit hall of the Historical Museum last Sunday, Jan. 29.

One of the best  recollections was of his father’s involvement in the rum running “business” during prohibition.  It seemed that those on Orcas  wanting to facilitate the passage of liquor from Canada to the Islands and south to Seattle needed bigger and faster boats to transport the goods.  They also needed larger engines for faster travel.  Harry’s father had the connections to provide same, and did.

Harry is an accomplished story teller, and has the details locked in his memory for such an entertaining afternoon.
The Museum is a great place to explore, even during winter months. Open every Saturday 11-4. Check it out!