Contributed by Hilary Canty

Does your organization participate in fundraising? Do your board members and volunteers have the skills they need to be successful in finding the funds needed to support the work of the organization?

Or do you and they shrink from direct contact with potential donors?  Perhaps you need to rethink your fundraising plan as well as its process. Invest a day in developing the framework for success by participating in this one-day workshop “Fundraising for Small Non-Profits,” led by Bob Schwartzberg on Wednesday, June 3, 2009 from 8:30 am to 3:30 p.m.

Many island organizations in the San Juan Islands have attended the weeklong seminar that Bob teaches for The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, spending hundreds of dollars on travel and registration fees.  As a resident of San Juan Island, Bob recognizes the challenges fundraising poses for local Orcas Island organizations and has prepared a workshop that encapsulates the primary principles of fundraising for small organizations into a daylong interactive learning experience that any group can afford.

In order to maintain a quality-learning environment, registration is required in advance and will be limited to 30 participants.  There will be coffee and tea available.  Participants should plan on bringing their own lunch.

The date for the fundraising seminar is Wednesday, June 3 at 8:30 a.m. at the Firehouse. Attendance fee is $25. To register, contact Hilary Canty at 376-6423.

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