In the wake of the giant BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico,, the national political organizing association, plans a massive nationwide event called “Hands Across the Sand,” this Saturday, and an event is planned on Crescent Beach in Eastsound at 11 a.m.

The public is invited to join hands on Crescent Beach in Eastsound,” making a literal line in the sand to say ‘no’ to new offshore drilling and ‘yes’ to clean energy. If enough of us join in, we can create a powerful visual display and send a strong message to Washington, DC.

Those who would like to join the event at Crescent Beach in Eastsound on Saturday at 11 a.m. are asked to RSVP to:

“Hands Across the Sand” was started by Dave Rauschkolb, a Florida small business owner, in October of 2009 and has grown into a huge,global movement, according to MoveOn. There will be similar “Hands Across the Sand” events in over 400 cities and 12 countries, including the U.S., Japan, India, and New Zealand.

As Rauschkolb says, “The image is powerful, the message simple. No to offshore oil drilling, yes to clean energy. We are drawing a line in the sand against offshore oil drilling along America’s beaches and in solidarity events across America and around the world.”

“Hands Across The Sand” could be the largest protest against offshore drilling in U.S. history. MoveOn says.