— from Dave Halloran —

Vigilant Guard Black Hawk

Vigilant Guard Black Hawk

On Tuesday June 7, the San Juan County Amateur Radio Society (SJCARS) was recognized by the County Council for their service to the island community. The recognition stated: “From phone outages, to regular drills, to preparing for catastrophic events, the amateur radio community is a tremendous resource. We gratefully acknowledge the important contribution to our community that your expertise, time, energy, and enthusiasm provide to help meet a vital public need.”

While SJCARS President Jim Hooper K9QJS was representing the group at the Council meeting, other members were busy with the exact activities which gained them the recognition. On Tuesday morning The Cascadia Rising statewide earthquake exercise kicked off at 9 a.m. and the Hams were soon in action. The radio operators requested the delivery of emergency medical supplies to the islands through the Snohomish County Emergency Coordination Center. The Hams later tracked the progress of the National Guard helicopter making the deliveries to Eastsound and Friday Harbor.

On Saturday, June 25 at 11 a.m., SJCARS will continue to practice their craft by participating in the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) annual “Field Day.” This year Field Day marks the 100 year anniversary of the National Park Service and will be hosted at American Camp by the San Juan Island National Historical Park. On Lopez Island Field Day activities will begin at 9 a.m. by Fire Station 41 in Lopez Village. These events are open to the public, and are great opportunities to meet the Hams and learn more about Ham radio and its contribution to disaster preparedness.

To learn more about disaster preparedness in the islands please look at the DEM website: sanjuandem.net.

For more information on Field Day, or to learn more about Ham radio, contact Jim Hooper at 360-317-5286 or Basil Gunn 360-468-2298 on Lopez Island.