— from State Emergency Operations Center, Camp Murray —

Camp Murray, WA — Washington state is currently experiencing significant community-based transmission of COVID-19. Recent information suggests that a significant portion of persons with COVID-19 may not have any symptoms, and even those who do have symptoms can transmit the infection before showing signs of illness.

The Washington State Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommend that people wear cloth face coverings when they are in public settings where they cannot maintain six feet of distance from others. This might include trips to the grocery store, pharmacy, hardware store, health clinic or similar places.

This recommendation is not a substitute for existing guidance to maintain 6-feet of physical distance from non-household members and performing frequent hand hygiene with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Wearing cloth face coverings will not prevent spread of COVID-19 without these other protective measures.

This is not a mandate that you must wear a face covering. It is considered an additional layer of protection.

Visit the Washington State Department of Health website for the full guidance document.