— by David Turnoy —

You already voted your presidential preference on March 26, the Democratic Party does not assign presidential delegates from the results of its primary but instead uses the caucus in which you already participated, so why should you mail in your vote in the Democratic Party primary that closes on May 24?
Actually, there are several good reasons for you to vote in the primary. First, the news media will be reporting the results of the Republican primary that day, as the Republicans use the primary results to assign delegates. Even though we know our votes in the Democratic primary won’t change anything, the rest of the country does not know this, and if there is a really light turnout, the rest of the country will wonder what is wrong with Bernie and Hillary supporters in Washington.

A significant portion of the folks who participated in the recent caucus, though thrilled with the enthusiasm and the large turnout, would rather not have to deal with the crowds that showed up. Instead, many would prefer a primary vote instead of a caucus. A strong turnout in the primary will send a message to the state Democratic Party that the use of a primary instead of a caucus will bring much more participation and is therefore more democratic.

Finally, a strong turnout in the primary can help convince super delegates who they should be voting for if they are to represent the will of the people. Your primary vote can be a second opportunity for you to express your presidential preference and for the super delegates to hear your voice again.

So please don’t pass up this opportunity to have an influence. We are in the process of great change in this country, and your vote in the primary could have a significant impact.