— by Michael Riordan —

Michael Riordan and Martha Farish exchange opinions at OPALCO annual meeting aboard state ferry

By any measure, the Pacific edge of the United States did not vote for Donald Trump in November 2016. We voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton — and thus for continuing the policies of President Barack Obama.

In the five states abutting the Pacific Ocean — Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington — Clinton clobbered Trump by more than 5.1 million votes and beat him by a massive electoral margin of 78 to 3. Including the Mountain States in the mix, she still won by more than 4.6 million votes and by 98 to 30 electoral votes. No matter how you count, this president (who lost nationally by 3 million popular votes) finished a distant second on our side of the Rockies.

The far western United States did not vote for the partisan train wreck gripping the nation’s capital. Nor did we vote for an authoritarian president ruling by decree who attempts to bar Muslims from entering the country and wants to waste billions of taxpayer dollars building a wall along our Mexican border.

(This article originally appeared in the Seattle Times February 6, titled “It’s up to Western states to rescue our democracy.” To read the full article, go to https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/its-up-to-western-states-to-rescue-our-democracy/)