By Phil Heikkinen, Director, Orcas Island Public Library
On Friday, March 19, nine community members will start a planning process to help see us through the next three to five years. The Library Board and staff see our long-range plan as a key in annual budgeting, as well as a guide to how to configure our ongoing services and resources.
Our current plan dates from the spring of 2005, when another committee of community members listed three priorities. Two of them focused on maintaining a strong core collection of materials and online resources in the realms of human knowledge and self-expression. The third priority was to offer materials, services, and programs reflecting current issues and interests important to our community.
Now we are looking for direction again. We want to check in with the community to see whether this is time to reaffirm those priorities, tweak them, or take off in new directions. I invite anyone interested in sharing feedback to contact either a committee member (listed below) or me.
The first planning meeting is scheduled from 1 to 5 pm on Friday, March 19, at the Episcopal Parish Hall in Eastsound. This is when the attendees discuss community goals, list community needs, and develop a preliminary ranking of ways in which the Library can help meet those needs.
At the April 12 Library Board meeting, the Trustees will discuss the list of priorities and offer feedback; also, the staff will offer its own response. The second planning meeting is scheduled from 3 to 5 pm on Friday, April 23, also at the Episcopal Church in Eastsound, this time in Benson Hall (the west wing). The committee will review the feedback from the Board and staff and make changes as appropriate.
After I construct a written plan based on the committee’s recommendations, the next step will be discussion and possible approval by the Library Board at its May 10 meeting, following any last-minute changes. My task then will be to allocate our staffing and resources to make it work.
The public can share input either outside the meetings or on meeting breaks. In recruiting committee members, I hoped to represent the variety of Orcas Island constituencies, given the limitations of committee size. However, I also know that that not all perspectives will be reflected; so it’s important to the Board and me that everyone has a chance to weigh in.
I want to thank our facilitator, Laura Tretter (Director of the San Juan Island Library) and the planning committee members, including Martin Arnold, Barbara Bedell, Art Lange, Beth Morris, Grant Myles-Era, Iris Parker Pavitt, Joan Pedrick, Tom Tillman, and Linda Tretheway. Contact any of them with your ideas.
Please take a look at our website to see information about our current long-range plan. Call, email, or stop by the Library to share your ideas during this planning process or anytime: 376-4985 or Our website URL is
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