By Joe Cohen

First I wish to thank Patty Miller and Richard Fralick for their collective work on this issue.  It is complex and for most of us confusing.  Let’s not forget the great attention to detail and pure energy our two elected (Orcas) officials are contributing in our collective behalf in these difficult times.

The ballot measure asks us to vote:

  • YES – to approve a parcel based user charge and maintain the COUNTY’s full involvement in the existing solid waste system – i.e. the County is responsible for everything.  The fee is relatively modest for most and more expensive for commercial business owners.   Overall there is an increase in cost for everyone (no free lunches) to both operate the existing system and repay past debt obligations, OR
  • No – to reject the parcel based fee and move toward a new system that may eliminate a lot of the overhead and capital cost structures.  The new system would involve the contracting of services to private enterprises (e.g. San Juan Sanitation)

On Tuesday October 11, the Council passed SJC Resolution 43-2011.  To their credit this resolution provides a good analysis and overview of the choices we face.  After reviewing the resolution, meeting with Richard Fralick, and in extensive email communication with Patty Miller – I have arrived at a personal decision on the ballot initiative (which itself is a bit confusing in its wording!)

It is so easy to ‘stay with what is’  (existing system) and in this case vote YES and pay a $ 100 to $ 150 parcel fee.   But the seductive nature of the small ‘fee’ masks something much larger and long term most troubling.

From the SJC resolution 43-2011:

  • A YES vote (PLAN A) includes funds to maintain all three existing facilities (see p2) and the system will continue to be run by the county.
  • A YES vote provides new infrastructure funds of $ 1 – $3 million for a San Juan Island facility or upgrade.  (see p2 )   (Why do we want to take on more debt/cost?)
  • A YES vote may maintain the full staffing of about 12 full time employees (2009 level)  at a cost approaching $ 900,000 annually (with  cost of living increases over time and health benefit increases averaging 8% per year) – while a rejection of the measure provides funding for one part time staff to focus on long range planning (see p5).
  • A NO vote (Plan B) implies a primarily route collection system for garbage and recycling (see p3) – a new contracted and quasi privatized arrangement.
  • A NO vote allows the contracted entity to (possibly) continue use of the facility (on Orcas and Lopez in particular) – and some flexibility to provide both existing and new services. (see p3 & 4)

The resolution is worth reading for an in depth comparison of the two options.  But for clarity – these are two very different options. The real cost saving  benefits derived from PLAN B (a NO vote) are precisely because that plan is no longer saddled with existing infrastructure and labor costs (in part) and because instead a private contractor is using its existing infrastructure with the added incentive to find ways to improve service and reduce costs.  The new system asks us to actually pay what it costs – period.

For me, the decision is quite simple:   Reject the initiative (a NO vote) and…

  • Avoid taxpayer financing of $ 1 to $ 3M of new infrastructure costs in an existing system we have acknowledged is failing.
  • Eliminate most of the current staffing by the country and save approximately $ 900,000 per year going forward.

What do I think we will lose in such a change:  Not much, because….

  • The county is willing (as noted in the resolution) to consider leasing existing facilities to the contractor and allowing continuation of some (if not all) existing activities – and perhaps the opportunity for new services (composting).
  • The contractor may be local (San Juan Sanitation) and most of the route pickup is a state regulated activity – with a prescribed 7% profit margin (maximum).
  • This is a special place and just perhaps a new system solution might best serve the needs of Orcas – let’s give it a chance.