— a Change.org Petition by Ashley Buchanan —

The San Juan Islands is our home! Not just some tourist destination. We should not have to reserve our place in line to travel to and from our islands! We pay taxes, and highway 20 is our interstate. This is not the answer to the problem of long waits in line, and having a full ferry lot. This issue was not brought to our attention until the “solution” was already set in stone.

A majority of the islanders seem to not agree with this 2-2-2 reservation solution for many reasons. 95% of the ferry being reservation only seems to be too much. Only leaving 5% open for spur of the moment goers, is not enough. There is a number of senarios that could take place at any time, for an islander to want to leave quickly. And this system would make that impossible during the busy season. Reasons such as; last minute medical appointment, pick up kids, friend having a baby, grocery shopping, or maybe just a last minute get away. We should not need to plan our lives ahead of time. Lets say we do make a reservation. We would have to stick to that plan. No more delaying our trip home a day or two, or saying, ”we’ll just catch the next ferry.” If we decide not to travel we have to pay a penalty fee? That is not fair. Also there is still people on the islands that are ‘cash only.’ Are we really going to make them get a debit or credit card to leave their home? That is also not fair.

There has got to be a different way, because I do not believe this new system is it. There is too many questions to be answered and flaws that need to be discussed, before this new plan is in any way going to be acceptable to the ones who live on the San Juan Islands.

(Editor’s Note: To sign this petition, visit Change.org.)