My problem is I am one vote short. Three wonderfully deserving candidates are running for two OPALCO board seats. Sadly, one of our three will have to sit thiis round out and wait until next time. As I ponder the question of what qualities or characteristics could be brought to the board, I realize there is a prior point of inquiry to be considered. That my friends, is what needs retained? There have been a lot of good things happening at OPALCO because of the people in the lead of our energy cooperative. This is in no small measure due to the contributions of Winnie Adams. Winnie needs to be retained.

Winnie has a proven track record of success. Her commitment-to-action endeavors were instrumental in the realization of Member Owned Renewable Energy. As we navigate the uncharted territories of broadband and beyond, I believe we will be well served by Winnie as our steward of transition. We really have no way of knowing what decision paths lie ahead. The only thing that is constant in our world now is change. The changes we face in our co-op electrical system will have real impact on quality of life here in the San Juan’s, and it will take some powerful community process. Winnie is a poet of process.

One final point. In over thirty years of consulting experience with leadership groups of commerce, culture, and community across the nation and our archipelago, I have yet to find one that does not benefit from the participation of women. Winnie contributes a female perspective and I hope we have the collective wisdom in the San Juan’s to retain this added value of diversity on the OPALCO board. Increased creativity comes from diversity of experience and thought. I believe our OPALCO leadership group will remain higher performance with Winnie on the board.

Stephen Guy