By Laura Trevellyan, DVSAS Prevention Coordinator/Youth Advocate

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month in Washington State. Locally and around the state, individuals, youth, communities, schools, and agencies will be taking action to increase awareness about sexual assault and to end sexual violence. I am writing to ask for your help in this work.

The issue is pressing. One out of every four girls and one out of every six boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. A recent survey conducted by the Washington State Office of Crime Victims Advocacy found that one third of all women in Washington State have experienced some form of sexual assault. Unfortunately, our beautiful islands are not exempt from these statistics.

To address this problem that in one way or another impacts all of us, the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services of the San Juan Islands is organizing several community events and activities, including:

  • Be the Solution 5k Run/Walk. Sunday April 25th at the high school.
  • Information and awareness display at the Orcas Public Library.
  • “I am anti- violence and pro….” community wide poster campaign

The theme of this year’s Awareness Month is “Be the Solution.” By discovering and rethinking the ways that people can be a solution, the campaign seeks to make a meaningful impact on sexual violence.

Every one of us deserves to live free from all forms of violence. As members of this community we are the solution. Please join in the efforts to raise awareness and end violence. For more information or to get involved please call 376-5979 or email

We hope to see you as we join together on April 25th for the second annual 5k Run/Walk! Thank you.

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