— from David Turnoy —

If you have been following the discussion about the caucus on Orcas Issues, you will know that the majority of those making comments favor moving to counting the Democratic primary instead of relying on the caucus to choose delegates for the Democratic Party nomination for president. Because of the messiness of the process, the lack of a large enough venue for our avid participants, and the length of time involved in the caucus process, the suggestion is a good one, and I have agreed to present a resolution calling for a move to the primary at the county convention on May 1.

However, a few Orcas Issues readers expressed positive thoughts about the caucus, and yesterday I had a wonderful conversation with Fred Klein in which he made a terrific suggestion that I would like all of you interested in this topic to consider. Why not combine the idea of a primary with a caucus so that all those who simply want to cast a vote be able to do so by mail or by dropping their ballot off at the caucus? Then only those who want to stay to discuss candidates and issues and to stand for election as a delegate would need to stay. This would greatly reduce the crowd at the caucus, and it would allow all of our folks to participate comfortably without all of the negative factors that were encountered last Saturday.

I would be very interested in feedback on this suggestion. Feel free to post a comment here, or you are welcome to email me at davidgeri@centurylink.net.