"Serene" by Betsy Nelson

By Terry Johnson, Prof.

Local artist Betsy Nelson has an exemplary exhibition at the Orcas Center, and local collectors should take heed of this very talented artist.

The remarkable aspect of Nelson’s work is the “quietness” of her imagery, not to mention the skill of handling paint. Nelson’s paintings of people and places lets the viewer quietly invade the privateness of another person’s environment without filling the painting with narrative.

In particular, “Serene”, and “Have A Cup” are situations that all of us have/do experience everyday but never notice the simply beauty of it.  “Peonies” is a simple but gorgeous little painting that is a joy to behold.

Betsy Nelson’s paintings are about color with the semblance of form, but the overriding ambience is about everyday gestures that we all make but never seem to acknowledge for their simple beauty. The exhibition continues to May 1 at the Orcas Center main lobby.