As a member of the Orcas High School Class of 1984, I was one of the first students to attend class in the current Orcas Middle School buildings.  In September of 1980, the buildings were shiny and new. Unfortunately, they were built cheaply and consequently today, due to structural safety concerns, they are in poor condition and close to being condemned.  Years later, a new high school was built and today some components of that building are in poor condition including the siding which requires total replacement.  It was also constructed with an insufficient budget.

On February 9th Orcas voters will have the choice to support a levy and bond that the school board and administration have thoughtfully crafted to repair and rebuild facilities while supporting essential programs that will effectively serve student learning for the next fifty years.  Over the course of the last four years, school officials have diligently worked with our community by turning over many stones in the study and investigation of our public school’s current facilities and programs.  What they found is a deteriorating school facility that in my humble opinion, does not reflect the greatness of this community.

Washington State ranks 42nd in the nation for funding our public schools.  This combined with the fact that compared to similar districts, Orcas ranks relatively low in levy support. The result is a school district that is poorly funded.   When schools have good financial support, teachers can focus more energy on teaching, infrastructures are functional, there is enhanced pride and confidence within the students and most importantly, students are more successful.

Fortunately, we have incredibly dedicated teachers, paraprofessionals, support staff, administrative staff, school board members, volunteers, parents, and resilient students who make our school great.  Imagine the greatness our students can achieve with properly funded programs and facilities.

Children are the future of this community. We have an opportunity to do it right this time.  Please join me in voting yes for the Orcas School Levy and Bond.

Kevin O’Brien