By John Howard Rosen

The County Council is paralyzed over what to do with its Deputy Clerk

On September 26 seasoned and highly respected Deputy County Clerk Maureen See, the elected vice-chair of the Charter Review Commission, was notified that the county was considering the possibility of disciplining her because of allegations that she engaged in political activity while on duty and then lied about the extent of the activity. She was directed to defend herself at a “hearing” on October 2. Despite the abusive and threatening conduct of acting County Administrator Bob Jean Ms. See acknowledged that she had sent and received emails concerning Propositions 1-3, not realizing that she was acting in any way inappropriately, but that she never lied about her activities. Although it quickly became clear that the allegations of untruthfulness were unsubstantiated and that under the personnel rules the political activity was considered to be a minor violation punishable in the first instance by a reprimand, Mr. Jean, spurred on by those members of the council who oppose the propositions, continued to press for Ms. See’s termination. After Prosecuting Attorney Randy Gaylord received a letter on October 8 from a lawyer representing Ms. See, the county decided to place her on paid administrative leave for up to a week to try to find an acceptable resolution to the issue. Within a few days Ms. See learned that the county’s idea of an acceptable resolution was termination with a few weeks severance pay.

On October 17, at the request of the lawyer the county hired on October 10 to defend it, Ms. See’s lawyer wrote another letter reminding the county of the bases for its legal obligations to follow its own personnel rules, Washington and federal law, and the United States Constitution. Although the council has purportedly met on several occasions to discuss this situation it has taken no action. Taxpayer money is being used to keep a diligent, hard-working and efficient employee away from her job with no benefit to the county while it tries to extricate itself from the muddle it created without embarrassing the council members pushing for Ms. See’s unwarranted and unlawful termination.

When asked on Friday what the status of the matter was, the county’s lawyer would say only that Ms. See “remains on paid administrative leave while the investigation is ongoing.” The lawyer has refused to respond to questions asking her to identify the nature of the “investigation” (of which Ms. See had not been made aware), by whom it was being conducted and when it would be completed. Clearly, the county has decided to conduct a futile witch hunt, spending more taxpayer dollars, to try to drain Ms. See’s will and resources.

Jon Howard Rosen is Attorney for Maureen See