— from Jane Alden —

I had reason, today, to speak to a police officer regarding animal abuse. What I learned was so shocking that I want to share it. It seems that in WA, animals are considered ‘personal property’, and that if you were to see an animal being abused, and try to get the animal away from the abuser, you could be arrested for theft. I was told that I should do nothing, but call the police, and let them handle it.

Well……that means, 1. If you don’t have a phone on you, the abuse goes on while you find a phone, and on, as you wait for the police to arrive. 2. What kind of human being can stand by, watching an animal suffer at the hands of a human, and not do everything they can to stop it? Instantly?

I said as much to the officer, who was, by the way, in total sympathy, yet duty-bound to uphold the law as it stands. Which has got to be very, very hard sometimes, and I salute him and others for doing their jobs in spite of the pain it must sometimes cause. I’m thinking of the pain of having to enforce stupid, even cruel laws. I told the officer that I can guarantee him, without hesitation, that, if I see someone hurting an animal, I WILL do everything I can to get that animal away from its tormentor. He said, “Then you will go to jail.”

Well, I, for one, am so far from being okay with this that I am spreading the word about it wherever and whenever I can, and will communicate this information and my objections to it until I can see some movement towards alteration, by law,

Elections are coming up. We can change this barbaric designation of animals as property, and lessen the suffering so many of them endure if we can keep it in our minds as we look to our choice for congress men and women.

I most emphatically DO NOT want to go to jail! But I would in a heartbeat, if it meant protecting an animal from harm. They are not our property! Anyone who’s ever loved an animal knows that. I would say they are a kind of angelic presence among us. Anyone who deliberately hurts an animal, hurts, in my opinion, the very thing within themselves that matters. They darken whatever portion they had of Light.