— from Joseph Murphy —

Thirty six! That’s the number of comments appended to the recent reprint in Orcas Issues of the article by Matthew Gilbert “Port of Orcas to Expand But Where and How?” No doubt a record number. It is a good question and so all but one of the commenters took exception to the poorly laid plans of the Port.

Expand the runways? No way. Take out boat slips at Brandt’s Landing? Nope. Imminent domain requisition of private property? Fahgettaboudit! Bigger airplanes, more traffic, more noise, reroute Mt Baker Road? None of the above was the overwhelming voice of those commenting on this mad affair.

At a certain point you have to throw your body on the cogs of the machinery that keep grinding away at personal sovereignty, the right to a peaceful existence, a sense of communal solidarity and say, “Basta!” No more, this is quite enough and no we won’t take no for an answer.

As Mr. Phalan put it well, “A line has been crossed.” If Mary Hatten was still around I am sure the old girl would be apoplectic at this massive disturbance of the peace so we must carry the fight in her name as well as our own.

No Build! Period. Less debarquements, fewer flights, less hegemony.

In thirty years of watching the airport there have been maybe two accidents and zero fatalities.
One, caused by deer on the runway, resulted in a regular extermination routine, Then the fencing, then the tree cutting, then the subterfuge of process, then the arrogance of claiming these are ‘safety issues that account for continued encroachment on the major population center for the island.

Some old timers might remember the bumper sticker, “We don’t give a s**t how you do it on the mainland.” Nice sentiment, if a bit naive for, unfortunately, mainland values have long conquered our shores by way of the banks and Bezos, the Internet, and our endless devices. However, in regard to these values some choice is possible. With the abdication to community responsibility, hegemony in the face of overwhelming opposition and the degradation of anything like democracy our choices are far fewer,

Whether you line up with donkeys or elephants, left or right, libertarian or your garden variety anarcho syndicalists most of us would prefer the Garbo like politics of being left alone to live our lives according to our best intentions. Our best intentions in the face of capitalist predation are where the rubber meets the road.

Yet the right of refusal is still ours regardless of outcome. Leave the ‘opiated candy” of Federal money on the table, No militarization of the airport.

I say it again; Option One – No Build!