By Errol Speed

I have had the great privilege in recent weeks to work in close quarters with the longtime operators of the Orcas Transfer Station, Ronni Silva and Robert Hammermeister.  Their mastery of the complex ebb and flow of solid waste and recyclables is impressive.

Their ability to deal with any and all unforeseen problems in a graceful and efficient manner is nothing less than astounding.  I am clearly convinced, that had the county directed any substantial resources their way for the efficient handling of solid waste, and reduced radically their redundant administrative costs, they could have provided this service efficiently and at reasonable cost to our community indefinitely.  These two individuals have been the unsung “Super Heroes” of our county solid waste system.

In taking a closer look at Robert “The Hammer” Hammermeister, he operates the John Deere 410g Backhoe as if it was another limb connected to his body.  I have observed Robert  pushing and packing complex loads of mixed solid waste to fill transfer trailers in a seamless dance that is beautiful to watch, and very difficult to replicate.  I learned quickly that all loads of solid waste can be vastly different in nature and present a “Rubic Cube” of possibilities when attempting to pack a transfer trailer with “Gacky” ( Gack is the liquid effluent that accompanies some loads of commercial hauler garbage) compactor loads from Roche Harbor and Island Market and construction waste loads that look like a Titan game of pickup sticks!

The possibilities are endless, yet Robert” The Hammer” mastered them all in his humble style, thinking it no big deal.  I cannot in good conscience omit Robert’s astonishing skill at backing the 48- foot long transfer trailers into the “Black Hole” trailer bay below the tipping floor.  In one fluid sweep Robert could place 70 feet of rolling  steel, so close to the wall my hand would not fit between the two…in the dark!

And last but not least was the sense of humor Robert had about all the things that happened each day , the challenging, the stressful, the fast pace….he handled it all with mastery, he is “The Hammer Master!”

Now to Ronni Silva, who by the way has worked at the Transfer Station for over 17 years.  Ronni has been the site manager for many years.  Ronni has been the “Face” of the Orcas Transfer Station for a long time , and what a beautiful face.  That beauty is not only skin deep, as we all know, when as customers we have been greeted time and again by a glowing smile and a voice that seems to be able to calm a storm.  I thought maybe I would discover that this sweetness of spirit and happy countenance may have  been just very good professional customer relations and superior self control.

Those possibilities went out the window quickly as I watched — day after day, hour after hour, customer after customer (and some not so polite) — Ronni influence each person in a positive and soothing manner.  She is the only person I know that can tell you, “well how about we charge you for six cans of recycle today?” (when you thought you only had one can), and make you feel like you got a good deal!

Having watched Ronni do this over and over again, a new verb seemed appropriate….Ronnify…to be inexplicably influenced in a soothing manner towards a positive outcome!  That is truly Ronni Silva.  She managed all the transfer station flow incoming and outgoing, and operations with amazing grace, skill, efficiency, and kindness.

Ronni and Robert are irreplaceable and unique. They will be missed greatly and we at ORS will do our best to meet the high bar they have set.  And as we continue operations at the Orcas Island Transfer Station without them by our side, we will forever be reaching for that high level of service that Ronni and Robert have provided to our community for all these years.

Good fortune and Godspeed to you in your new adventure in life!  You are always welcome at the “Scale Shack,” please visit us often.

Errol Speed is the Orcas Recycling Services (ORS) Interim Facility Manager