(This is part two of a 2 part commentary. See yesterday’s Orcas Issues for part one)
— by Joe Symons of NegawattMedia.com —
There is only one question that needs to be asked, regardless of your age or occupation. Whether you are a school teacher or administrator, an employee, a parent or grandparent, a voter, retired or a student, whether you work for a corporation or a non-profit, whether you are religious or an atheist, regardless of the color of your skin or the language you speak or your sexual orientation, whether you are in the military or a civilian, there is only one question: what are you doing to prepare yourself, your workmates, your children, your home/community/city/county for a 4D to 6D habitat?
Huh? The “D” here stands for degree and the degrees are in Centigrade. They reference an average global temperature 4 to 6 degrees C warmer than what the founding fathers experienced. The term comes from the IEA (google it). They use the term “4DS” to mean 4 Degree Scenario. So far no one wants to pencil out what a 4DS or a 6DS world will actually look and feel like. That’s because they don’t know. Haven’t been there before. The docs can tell you what an Ice Age will pencil out like. They can’t tell you what a 6DS Patient Earth will be.
Dan Kammen, a Nobel Prize winning member of the IPCC, said back in 2012: “while scientists rightly talk about the 2° line, the path the world is currently on, namely 4 – 6°C will be catastrophic.”https://www.greatenergychallengeblog.com/2012/12/18/after-disappointment-at-doha-time-for-action-on-climate-change/
The closest way to imagine a 4 -6°C world is to imagine how you would feel if your body temperature were elevated by 4-6° F (permanently). If you’re up a degree, you don’t feel well. Up 2 degrees and you definitely have a fever. Up 3 degrees, (101 something) and you don’t go to work. Up 4 degrees (102 something) and you are calling the doctor. Up 5 degrees and you are heading for an ICU if you are still alive. This is a rough gauge of how Patient Earth will work. Greater and greater devastating storms. Whole swaths of the American Bread basket toast. Summer temps that are triple digit for weeks or months. Rolling blackouts. More coal fire power plants you say to run those o so needed air conditioners? More CO2 means even hotter temps. That’s not going to fly. And then there is that pesky water problem. Nuclear plants need water too.
Unless… you get that Patient Earth health checkup fast and then do the Patient Earth cancer equivalent: major chemo, major surgery, major radiation. Fast. She gets hot: you get sick. Does she care? No.
A way of imagining how Patient Earth works is to compare it to the internet. From something that didn’t exist in the 1950’s and didn’t get popular until the late 1980’s, the internet is now global with hundreds of millions of servers and billions of users. Everyone is connected to everyone. A disturbance (think virus or malware) that originates in someone’s bedroom can disrupt information on millions of computers anywhere on the planet, not over the timeframe of a year but of a day. Depending on the infection vectors and the payload of the virus, millions could lose lifetimes of creative work. We are now developing the internet of Things. Instead of just your laptop and maybe your cellphone, you’ll also have half the items in your house (refrigerator, thermostat, dryer, automobile) and body parts (insulin dispensers, on-board heart monitors and pacemakers, drug monitors and dispensers, etc.) on the net. This growing ecosystem only works if everyone pretty much stays in their lane. If a rule-breaking disruption occurs, the system will degrade. If the rule-breaking disruption is severe enough, the system will fail.
Patient Earth’s biosphere is a net. Some of it is connected wirelessly. Much is connected biologically at a level of size and scale that is entirely incomprehensible. It is a net that has been constructed over millions of years. It is robust enough as long as the fundamental physics doesn’t change. The PE biosphere net has resilience boundaries. Exceed the boundaries, the net will start to fail. How fast? How deep? How permanently? No one knows. What we do know is that once an organism is dead, it’s dead. What we don’t know is how much wiggle room we have at the edge. We have experience with cancer. We have zero experience with Patient Earth fevers.
One of the most famous lines uttered by Harry Callahan, of Dirty Harry fame, was …here’s Wikipedia’s take:
While in a local diner, Callahan sees a bank robbery in progress and, alone with his revolver, he kills two of the robbers and wounds a third, challenging the man lying near a loaded shotgun:
I know what you’re thinking: “Did he fire six shots, or only five?” Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I’ve kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky?” Well do ya, punk?
So, in all our excitement to burn fossil fuels, knowing full well that we alone are causing Patient Earth’s fever, and it is getting worse, and it will run it’s thousand year course (no antibiotics, no homeopathic remedies), and we’ve never seen Patient Earth this sick before, we have to ask ourselves, “Do We feel Lucky?”
The mythology I referenced earlier was one of subdue the earth. Since we’ve been surprisingly good at this, we’ve moved from gratitude for the bounty of the earth to an entitlement to the resources of the earth. Earth was there for us. For centuries there was no pushback. Earth seemed limitless and the consequences of taking were either unknown or minimal or manageable. That this mythology was immature was trumped by it’s apparent success. We were our own crack dealers supplying to ourselves. Unsupervised kids in the candy store. Like the robber in Dirty Harry, a fossil-fuel driven technology will get you almost anything. That is, until our failure to understand physics causes Patient Earth to get sick enough to change the food, weather and comfort game.
Kids don’t vote. Kids don’t have the wisdom or knowledge or experience base of adults. They are dependent and relatively speaking powerless in the terms of the current mythology. We developed-nation adults are not walking whatever talk we imagine about the need to downsize our carbon addiction anywhere fast and deep enough to alter Patient Earth’s accumulating and descending fever. Since Her fever will take decades to manifest it’s full portrait—what we see today is a mere black and white sketch at the edges of the canvas—we are committing genocide on our descendants. Since this is a time-based homicide, it is as if we were shooting very very slow bullets at them from our automatic weapons. Those bullets will take 20 to 30 years to reach their targets. That is too long for us to experience sensorily. We have to experience our pulling the trigger today and sending those bullets out today as seriously as we experience the words of the doctor pointing to the MRI and the X rays and the blood tests and telling us we waited too long.
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Thank You for your passionate plea for us all to wake up! To wake up to the reality of our crisis of burning so much fossil fuel that we are destroying the Earth. This issue, the most important issue that effects all of humanity and the entire planet, does not get the media attention it obviously warrants! We are destroying our children’s futures, and the future of humanity with our current lifestyles, with our current societal structure and norms. Science has shown us almost without doubt that if we continue to warm the Earth by burning fossil fuels, we will create catastrophic climate change that will create a world that humans won’t be able unable to live in. We have in fact already killed off some 40% of the Earth’s entire biosphere! Wake Up!
Humanities “Industrial Revolution” has just about killed the world..
WHERE ARE WE GOING, AND WHY DON’T WE CARE? Humans are like an invasive plant destroying its’ host. Like ivy climbing up a fur tree and killing it off to get more sunlight, eventually that dead tree is going to fall over. That is an excellent parable for humanity’s future. We have to change! We have to take back our personal power from out bloated government and Do Something! Watching the television’s programming is not going to help you.
We really do have the suppressed technology to curb this catastrophic future, but the people and corporations we have let control this world are hooked on oil. America’s currency is tied to oil.
Humans have to shout and cry out to stop our own specie’s destruction! What are we doing sticking our heads in the sand and, just pretending everything is OK? A total world wide economic meltdown would be better in the long run for humanity than total environmental destruction. The bottom line needs to used be to save humanity, not kill us. Why don’t we have the bravery to look at this?
A great quote I heard from a recent class I was taking from an native African man talking about his politicians: “You can’t wake someone up who is pretending to be asleep.”
We are all pretending to sleep. We are sleeping away our last century of human “advanced” civilization as we know it now. Why are we sleeping? Why are we so dumb and numb? Don’t you think YOU should do something to avert this future?
Business as usual is unacceptable, and frankly suicidal. Yet we continue on, a habit we can’t collectively seem to kick. We HAVE to have a REVOLUTION! WE have to have a SAVE THE PLANET REVOLUTION, or everything is toast. The Suffering will be unimaginable!!
Let’s Go Green, renewable energy here on Orcas like they did in Samso, Denmark.:
They have near the same population as us. Eastsound is a perfect wind tunnel. Yet, OPALCO is stunting it’s green energy program. What are we doing? We are breaking the world. Are we really going to let this Earth die off??, while we wallow in America’s general luxury? Are we insane? I would put it to us all that, we are insane. We are willing to kill this entire planet to maintain this status-quo and our comfort and safety. That is insane to me.
Please, Do Something About It!
-Domenic V
Domenic, Seeing your desire to reduce carbon. OPALCO hydro is as low carbon as it gets. Putting wind turbines in Eastsound would not reduce carbon footprint, but it would increase electric cost. For info on the best places to locate wind turbines, see page 14 here: https://www.opalco.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Integrated-Resource-Plan-for-8.20.15-Board-Review.pdf
Also, note page 15, which shows tidal power in our area. We have enormous tidal generation potential. But remember, putting anything in the water requires a very long expensive permitting and environmental vetting process. It will take time and money to create a diverse local generation portfolio that can meet the 70 MW winter consumption of the county and is as clean and low cost as hydro.
Also, next time you replace your car, consider getting an EV. It emits less CO2 and the cost per mile of electricity is a small fraction of gasoline.
That is great, and I am glad we use mostly hydro-power, but why has OPALCO capped it’s local renewable energy buyback fund at $100,000? We should be continuing to encourage local on-island electric production! People want to do this! They want to put of private investment! Let the rest of WA have the excess hydro-power that we don’t use, and maybe we can shut down a nuclear reactor, or get totally off coal power. You have to think big, on a broad-scale, and money cannot be the main factor motivating us. Doing what is most cost-efficient is not a way to save the planet. The bottom line has to be LIFE, not Federal Reserve Notes! Get it?
Domenic, The cap you are referring to is a WA state cap: capped by the State at $5,000 per year for each Member Generator and $100,000 per year in total incentive payouts for OPALCO service area. OPALCO and members are working with WA elected officials to raise the cap.
OPALCO has a number of initiatives aimed at increasing local renewable energy – MORE program, Community Solar for Schools, Community Solar for Homes and Business, as well as an extensive 20 year Integrated Resource Plan that is in process as we speak. Members are encouraged to come to OPALCO board meetings to learn more and share their thoughts. To learn more: https://www.opalco.com/energy-savings/renewable-generation/
Domenic, The cap is set by the state legislature, not OPALCO. We worked with OPALCO prior to the last legislative session with the solar stakeholder group in Olympia to write a bill that would increase or eliminate the cap, and extend the incentives past 2020. The bill did not pass. We are going to try again this year. I would suggest contacting your representatives and letting them know your thoughts about this.
As far as OPALCO’s efforts, they have promoted and supported locally owned renewable energy through the Member Owned Renewable Energy (MORE) program. This program has achieved great success with over 180 renewable energy systems generating electricity in the county.
In addition to this, OPALCO also spearheaded the Solar for Schools project in partnership with Islands Energy and Bonneville Environmental Foundation. Thanks to this project, we now have solar systems on the school district buildings on Lopez, San Juan, Shaw, and Orcas. These systems are not only generating power, they are generating enthusiasm and being used for education in the schools. For more information about this program, you can go to our website: https://sanjuanislandscd.org/community-solar/