— by Kathy Sakahara for the League of Women Voters of Washington State —

On November 4, Election Day, over one million Washington voters said yes to background checks for gun sales and other transfers, giving Initiative 594 a landslide victory of almost 20 points. We would like to thank the many League members and supporters who helped pass Initiative 594 and make Washington a safer place and a role model for the country. The Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility stated that they are “incredibly grateful to our partners at the League of Women Voters for their work towards passing I-594 and closing the background check loophole. The LWV contributed countless hours to voter outreach and education, particularly through its series of voter forums across Washington State.”

LWVWA was one of the first groups to join the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility in early 2013. Since that time we have gathered signatures of petitions, educated the public about the initiative and the broader issue of gun safety in League meetings, stood up to intimidation in the form of a target riddled with bullet holes, sponsored election forums, raised money, joined with over 2,000 other volunteers at phone banks and even fed hungry volunteers.

In fact, support from the LWV was not limited to Washington State. The Gun Safety Committee of LWV Florida reached out to us and organized phone banks there. “When we found out about the initiative and the LWVWA work, we knew we wanted to work those phones! Washington’s grassroots movement has given us new hope that we are in the midst of a groundswell towards gun safety,” said Patti Brigham, Chair of the committee. To join their Facebook Group please contact pbrighamlwvoc@gmail.com.

The impact of this victory is certainly not limited to Washington either. This is the first time that gun safety supporters have defeated the gun lobby at the ballot box. Washington’s success is being touted as a blueprint for other states. “You proved that the NRA and the gun lobby were not invincible. You showed reformers across the nation that they can fight — and win — common sense reforms to protect their families and help reduce gun violence at the ballot box.” Zach Silk, I-594 Campaign Manager.

The struggle for safer, saner gun safety measures is not over in Washington. The organizations behind Initiative 594, including LWVWA are already working on an aggressive legislative agenda for next session. If you would like to play an active role in the League’s advocacy for gun safety, please contact kathysakahara@gmail.com or p.dickason@comcast.net. We aren’t done yet. We’re just getting started!