Contributed by Hilary Canty, Executive Director, Orcas Island Community Foundation

Nothing creates a stronger community than the connections created through volunteering. Working together on projects and programs with folks who share your passions is a great experience. As with all forms of philanthropy, your gift of time and energy frequently benefits you as much as it benefits the receiver.  It adds meaning to your life and a sense of fulfillment because your efforts truly make a difference.

Our community has a strong culture of contribution.  I frequently run into folks who serve on several Boards and committees, coach a team, and mentor a child — all at the same time.  A great island business opportunity should be selling hat racks, as everyone would seem to need a big one for the many hats they wear here on Orcas!

It can be tricky, however, to find a good volunteer fit.  In an effort to make that connection easier, the Orcas Island Community Foundation is hosting a Volunteer Fair, open to all nonprofits and community members.  It will be held on Monday January 18th from 12-4 at the Public School Cafeteria, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and National Day of Service.

There will be opportunities to work on service projects throughout the community on this day in particular.  These include garden clean up, organizing, painting and more.  Sign in will be at the cafeteria.

There will also be representatives from several nonprofits on hand to discuss their programs and ongoing opportunities they have for volunteers.  These include Hearts and Hands, the Lions Club, Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival, the Animal Protection Society, Orcas Center, Farm to Cafeteria, the Orcas Island Historical Society, Keepers of Patos Light House, Orcas Island Prevention Partnership and many more.  If you are interested in getting involved, this will be a great opportunity to peruse some of your options and learn about all the amazing possibilities available.

Hot beverages and snacks will be provided to all volunteers.

There is room for more nonprofits to participate.  If you are interested having a table, please contact Hilary Canty, executive director, Orcas Island Community Foundation, 376-6423