Richard Fralick will not seek re-election to the County Council when his Orcas West position ends this year

By Richard Fralick

Now that an eminently qualified candidate, Rick Hughes, has declared his intent to run for the District 4, Orcas West Council position, I am happy to announce that I will not seek a second term as a member of the San Juan County Council.  On Orcas Island we are very fortunate to have people of the caliber of Patty Miller and Rick Hughes willing to represent us.

Although the Charter was passed in 2005, it was not until 2008 that all six members were elected in the manner prescribed by our Home Rule Charter.  Having endorsed the six-member Council as a Freeholder, I am grateful to have served on this first wholly Home Rule Council.  It was rewarding to experience how six diverse representatives could come together to make difficult decisions in a civil manner.  While the challenges have been many, significant progress has been made to address many of the concerns facing San Juan County.

Not seeking re-election does not mean that my job is done.  Between now and the conclusion of my term I will continue to work hard to development strong fiscal policies including the funding of appropriate fund reserves and consolidation of services that will bring long term financial stability to County government.  I will also continue to work with my colleagues on the Council to conclude the Critical Areas Ordinance Update bringing the County closer to Growth Management Act compliance.  The Update continues to be a contentious issue and it is important that a final decision be made and we, the community, get it behind us.  I continue this effort with faith that the final product will protect both the diverse interests and values within our community and our environmentally sensitive areas.  It is realistic to expect that a new Communication/Wireless Ordinance will be passed making improved emergency, broadband and wireless communication a possibility in San Juan County.

I have been actively engaged in County government for the past 8 years.  I now look forward to having the time and energy to pursue my many other interests.  I thank my neighbors for giving me the opportunity to serve as their County Council Representative.  It continues to be an honor.