Flu Immunization Clinic Friday Oct. 19 — 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Center

By Susan Leff, RN, MSN

Nobody can predict when influenza will start, how severe it will be, or how long the influenza season will last in a community. The only sure thing is that we will have influenza in our community this season.

It takes two weeks for vaccine to be effective so the best protection for you and your community is to get vaccinated early well before influenza begins to spread. Now is the time!

The influenza (flu) vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months and older. A yearly influenza immunization is recommended because influenza viruses change from year to year and people’s immunity decreases.

“Influenza is a serious disease that hits some people harder than others and can be fatal,” says Secretary of Health Mary Selecky. “The flu vaccine is one of the best ways to protect against the influenza and has a long safety record. It protects you, your loved ones, and your community. It’s also important to use good health habits—washing your hands, covering your cough, and staying home when you’re sick.”

Influenza can make anyone sick but vaccination is especially important for certain high-risk groups including pregnant women, children under five, people 50 and older, and those with certain medical conditions, like asthma, heart disease, diabetes, and neurologic conditions.

Children under nine years old may need two doses. Check with your doctor, nurse, or clinic about how many doses your child may need this season. Routine monitoring of influenza cases over the past few seasons has shown that even children with no underlying medical conditions are vulnerable to influenza at comparable rates to seniors. Generally influenza starts in the schools and spreads to the larger community. This is the reason San Juan County Health Department is offering school based Influenza clinics for those children who want to be immunized this season.

Visit www.doh.wa.gov/flunews for up to date information about this Influenza season. To find an Influenza immunization clinic, contact SJC Health & Community Services for an appointment at 360.378.4474 or check the box below to find a clinic close to you.

Susan Leff is Personal Health Manager, San Juan County Health & Community Services