You Can Help the Nels Moulton-Cathy Faulkner Family 

— by Cathy Faulkner —

Cathy Faulkner, Nels Moulton, and son Trevor

Cathy Faulkner, Nels Moulton, and son Trevor

(Note: Below is an excerpt of a recent post on providing an update on Nelson Moulton who suffered a brain bleed on October 7th. If you would like to join “Team Nels” and help out, go to (search “Nels”). You can also sign up as a supporter without making a donation to get updates emailed directly to you.)

“Thank you for your patience, we’ll be with you momentarily.” I can’t even count the number of times that I have said that phrase in a professional capacity, heard on numerous phone systems around the globe. Personally, it seems to apply to our current world and our communication with you these last few weeks.

Our “Thank you” is sincere. You have held us up in so many ways from a helping hand, financial support towards medical bills, an encouraging word. and most importantly, through your thoughts, prayers and vibes. I am confident all of your support played a key role in where we are today. Words cannot properly convey what a difference you have made in our lives at a very difficult time.
“We’ll be with you momentarily” sums up the last two weeks. Once Nels returned home on November 11th, we became consumed with the day-to-day tasks combined with Nels’ continued rehabilitation. We also had our sights set on the holidays and the ability to dive into some sorely needed family time, calm/quiet reflection and respite. Thank you for that space and understanding.

Now, to address the “elephant in the room” – what did the tests find?

After weeks of focusing on the brain bleed, stroke, tumor and brain surgery… we met with our team of Doctors and now have a cause and a plan: Melanoma and Immunotherapy. The “elephant in the room” can be difficult. The initial desire can be to ignore, hide, and deny it is there. But they are there and they get bigger the more they are ignored. But then I ask myself – why give it that much power?! Identify the elephant in the room and then TAKE THE POWER BACK! Never under estimate the power of positive thinking! The past 10 weeks are proof!

I acknowledge that the news isn’t what any of us wanted to say, have or hear. I also completely understand that the “elephant in the room” may stir up emotions and memories that are as unique as each one of us. Our family is committed to facing this head on as we have everything thus far and it is our hope that you will continue on this journey with us. Believe it or not, the hardest thing for me in writing his post, is whether or not I am asking too much from Team Nels…is it okay to still say that we can’t do this alone?!. From moment one, we knew this would be a long journey. From moment one, we knew we couldn’t do this alone. So humbly, and with true love and appreciation in our hearts – We are requesting all the thoughts, prayers and healing vibes that you are willing to send our way.

As one friend said to me today – “now you know; time to get to work.” Indeed! We have something to focus on and conquer!

Friday, December 12th Nels attained another personal milestone – seeing the Canadian trio, The Tea Party (TTP) at the Showbox. Reuniting with our friends after 10+years is celebration enough, but their latest album “The Ocean at the End” has been a huge help in Nels’ physical rehabilitation. Long time friends are flying in from faraway places. It truly was a rockin return for us all.

Our next milestone is slated for February and this time the focus is Trevor. For those who know us, our annual family trips were started by our son when he was three and has continued every year since. Each year we take turns picking a destination. We spend the year learning about the place, things we can do, and making economic decisions through the year as we save for our trip. This concept has evolved into such a positive component of our foundation as a family. 2015 is Trevor’s choice: Visiting Clearwater Florida to meet Winter the dolphin (Dolphin Tale 1 & 2) and then on to Orlando to visit the Harry Potter Theme Park. We have already procured airfare and reserved hotel. The doctors are currently wielding their magic to schedule treatments in a way so that the trip goes on as scheduled in February. A close friend has agreed to go with to provide extra support that will be needed. Nels has worked so hard at rehab and has been approved to fly.

If you want to help Trevor achieve this milestone, every $10 donation in December on GiveForward (or sent to Cathy Faulkner c/o Salish Electric PO Box 1502 Eastsound 98245) will go towards his milestone trip.

As always, you are welcome to share, email or forward our story. We are not the only family that is dealing with an unexpected medical situation. It is our hope that by being open about our experience we can be helpful to others as others and their experiences have been so helpful to us.

Going forward, the majority of our medical bills will not be fully processed until after the first of the year. Initial communication and negotiations have yielded positive results on payment plans, insurance coverage, and other options. We’ll have a better idea of numbers so will have more re-cap in January. The ongoing cost of lost wages, treatment and continued physical rehabilitation is unknown, but that, too, can hold until January.

Since we have received the blessing of family time during the month of December – this will be our only Give Forward post until treatment begins in January. It is our hearts desire that you take a moment and reach out to those who are dear to you, someone you haven’t talked to in a while, or a stranger – and savor those things in life that we sometimes put off for the trivial. Savor the magic of the holiday season. We are holding you close and eternally grateful that you have touched our lives in such a positive way. Team Nels is mighty, amazing and can do anything! With your strength…the possibilities are endless.

Happy Holidays! Sincere thanks for your support. May all your wishes become reality in the New Year!