Sunday, May 1, 6 p.m., Odd Fellows

— from Lydia Miller —

Mark your calendars for our 1st Sundays Veggie Potluck & Movie! We are starting a monthly gathering celebrating compassionate, healthy and sustainable plant based lifestyle. Join in on the lively conversation, get inspired, learn something new, come home with recipes, and enjoy yummy food! Everyone is welcome to attend, whether veg curious, vegetarian, or vegan.

The potlucks will feature 100% plant-based dishes, so please bring vegan items only.

For RSVPs, if you can include an idea of what you plan to bring, that can help us have a variety of starters, mains, desserts, beverages, etc.

Our featured movie to kick off things will be award winning film Earthlings, which examines humankind’s dependence on animals for economic purposes (pets, food, clothing, entertainment and scientific research), narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, featuring music by Moby.

Tell your friends and bring them along. Look forward to seeing you there!

To RSVP or get more info: or call Eric Morris 376-4320 for questions.