from Judy Whiting, OPAL

Two recently moved OPAL recycled houses.

Two recently moved OPAL recycled houses.

A two-year grant for $255,000 will help OPAL buy additional property to locate five more recycled houses on Orcas. Lisa Byers, OPAL’s executive director, submitted the application in 2012. “In these difficult economic and state budgeting times, I am pleased the Washington State Housing Trust Fund selected our proposal for funding,” she said. “This money will help purchase land, and yet OPAL will still need donations to fully pay for the cost of moving and renovating the structures, and connecting utilities.”

An appropriate piece of land on Seaview Street has been secured, which will accommodate four houses. OPAL is in discussion with owners of two houses that Lisa hopes can be moved here in the fall.

OPAL staff continue to search for two or three houses to move after than. If you have a house or land you would like to donate, call 376-3191.