— from Cheryl Napier —

Governor Jay Inslee, Governor of Washington (along with many other Governors) Proclaim March 22, Lynch Syndrome Hereditary Cancer Awareness Day!

Just a few years ago I had never even hear of Lynch Syndrome. All I knew is that the women in my family we dying of Cancers way too young. It wasn’t until my Sister was diagnosed with stage 4 Uterine Cancer and passed away at 48 that I heard of Lynch Syndrome. It would take 5 years of pushing for testing before we had our first conformation that Lynch Syndrome ran in our families genes.

As we are taught in school Knowledge is power. Lynch Cancers are aggressive, if you know that you have Lynch Syndrome you can be proactive in your own healthcare. Many physicians are not even familiar with Lynch Syndrome. This is why we need to raise awareness.

Following is the Proclamation from Governor Jay Inslee. Click here for a brochure on Lynch Syndrome.
