— from Washington Governor’s office —

Gov. Jay Inslee announced today [Jan. 8] that he and Democratic lawmakers will introduce legislation that would provide a public health care option in Washington through the state’s Health Benefit Exchange.

Inslee was joined by Sen. David Frockt, Rep. Eileen Cody, Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler and King County Executive Dow Constantine. He made the announcement at King County Public Health Center in Seattle, saying Washington has always been a leader in health care.

“Under the Obama administration and the Affordable Care Act, Washington was able to make tremendous progress in expanding coverage and start bringing down costs in our health care system,” Inslee said. “Under the Trump administration, all that progress is at risk. Because of the instability they’ve brought to the system, consumers in 14 counties have only one option for coverage and our ability to rein in costs has been stymied. But we’re going to do all we can to protect health care for Washingtonians. This public option will ensure consumers in every part of the state will have an option for high-quality, affordable coverage.”

The proposal addresses the challenges of health insurance availability as well as affordability. It directs the state’s Health Care Authority to contract with health plans across the state to offer coverage on the Washington Health Benefit Exchange, which guarantees coverage to anyone in the individual insurance market across the state. 

To read the full article, click to https://medium.com/wagovernor/inslee-announces-public-option-legislation-to-promote-health-care-for-all