Doris Schaller, San Juan County Elections Supervisor, wrote in response to concerns that ballots were not received in the mail with the following:

“The ballots for the February 9 Special Election were mailed on January 21. If someone has not received their ballot they need to contact the Elections Office (360) 378-3357 so a replacement ballot can be mailed to them. ”

Because ballots are not forwarded, those ballots sent to island mailbox owners with forwarding addresses are returned to the County Elections office from the post office marked “Temporarily Away.”  A forwarding letter is then sent from the Election Office, requesting a current address to send their ballots.

Schaller emphasizes that ballots must be postmarked by February 9, so if voters have not received their ballots, it is important that they contact the Elections Office right away at

Phone (360) 378-3357
Fax (360) 378-8856