Join us on Zoom for our second Community Conversation. – we will host a countywide meeting on Wednesday – November 10, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Register here to join the meeting: https://bit.ly/3ntRUAy

The online Pol.is dialogue generated great topics and areas for discussion – thank you for participating! How Does the Land Bank Choose a Property rose to the top, and will be our topic for November’s virtual meeting. Please join us to learn about the Commission’s decision-making process, followed by general Q&A opportunity. We will also host smaller, brainstorming breakout sessions after the Q&A period.

For those unable to attend the meeting, the public may also send questions/topics of interest to Tanja Williamson, San Juan County Land Bank Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator, tanjaw@sjclandbank.org. The meeting will be recorded and will be available here: sanjuanco.com/623/Land-Bank-Commission the Monday following the meeting.

For more information or questions, contact Tanja Williamson, Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator, tanjaw@sjclandbank.org. Public meeting attendees need a free registered Zoom account and the Zoom application on their device. Create a Free Zoom account here: https://zoom.us/freesignup/. Download the Zoom application here: https://zoom.us/download.