By Helen Venada, Waste Reduction and Hazardous Waste Coordinator
San Juan County Solid Waste Division

Groucho  Marx said:  “Time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana.”

So many beautiful fruits are out there this time of year.  (Thank you, local farmers, for the strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc.)  With gardens abundant, there are now more food scraps to compost than ever so this is certainly fruit fly time!

Here’s a fruit fly trap that you can put together very easily and that’s guaranteed to clear the air.

Put 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a small glass.  Cover it with plastic food wrap or a plastic lid from a yogurt container.  Poke many holes into it with a fork or whatever works.  Place where needed!

Keep on composting!  It’s good for the environment and good for lowering your trash bill!