Clyde Duke’s Gift of Service Honored with Donation

By Hilary Canty

The Orcas Island community has a strong tradition of neighbors caring for neighbors.  Malcolm Goodfellow experienced this last winter when his cabin’s roof failed during a mighty winter storm.  Clyde Duke came to the rescue, making the repairs and saving him from a sad and soggy situation.  In getting to know Clyde, Malcolm realized that this act of kindness was not a singular event.  Clyde and Duke Contracting have helped numerous folks, as well as donated roofs to the Animal Protection Society, the Stage on the Green, Lahari, the new Deer Harbor Fire Station and most recently pitching in on the School District roof repair needs.

This dedication was inspirational to Malcolm, who wanted to make a significant contribution to community as well.  Malcolm learned that Clyde has been serving as a volunteer with the Orcas Island Fire Department since 1992.  Clyde began as a volunteer fire fighter and soon was a lieutenant for Stations 21 and 23.  He was an officer and President of the Volunteer Firefighter/EMS Association, Firefighter of the Year in 1995 and has been on the Board of Commissioners since 2004, currently serving his second term.

In honor of Clyde, Malcolm has directed a gift of $20,000 through the Orcas Island Community Foundation to the Orcas Island Fire District.  This contribution will support the upgrading of radio equipment and ensure that our volunteer firefighters and EMT’s can communicate effectively during emergencies and continue to keep Orcas safe and sound.  The gift also continues the island tradition of neighbors caring for neighbors, a true treasure of our community, and an inspiration to all.