Sunday, January 8, 5 – 7 p.m., Odd Fellows Hall

— from Learner Limbach —

As we say goodbye to 2016 and move into the New Year we are happy to share this announcement with you about the upcoming organizing event that will take place on Sunday January 8 from 5-7 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall.

We have been through such a rollercoaster year in 2016. We are understandably tired, frustrated and concerned about what this year will bring. But while we are all feeling the effects of a difficult year, we will need to work even harder in 2017. We have to be more effective in the way we organize. We need to stand up for one another better. And we need to all find the leaders within ourselves and take on a role, however big or small, in the fight against the current power structure and in the creation of the future that we want.

Many of you attended the post election event we held on November 18 at the Odd Fellows Hall titled “Where Do We Go From Here”: A Post Election Discussion and Action Planning (click for all the notes from that event). On January 8 we plan to build on what was started at that event, including sharing some current thoughts on how to most effectively organize going forward.

We have decided to organize as a local chapter of Our Revolution since using the Our Revolution infrastructure seems to be the quickest and most effective way to achieve what we want in grassroots organizing. We will call it Our Revolution San Juan County so that we can support similar efforts on other islands and collaborate and share resources on a countywide level. At the meeting on January 8 we will share about some possible organizing tools and we will be hoping to stimulate discussion and generate ideas at the meeting itself.

If you use facebook, join the January 8 Facebook Event.

If you are wondering how this ties in with the “concerned women’s” group, these groups will be working in tandem, with a lot of crossover and collaboration. The idea is to maintain the same Subcommittees / Action Groups in both gatherings, so we can reduce duplication of effort and encourage people of all genders to work together on issues in which they take interest.The next women’s meeting will be held on January 15 from 3-5 p.m. at the Episcopal Parish Hall. For more information please email Caitlin Herlihy Leck at

We also want to remind you about the San Juan County Democrats Reorganization Meeting happening at noon on January 14th at Skagit Valley College in Friday Harbor. All are welcome to attend; for more info contact David Turnoy at 376-4165 or The “Reorg” meeting is where new officers are elected (Chair, Vice Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer and State Committee positions). You can see who has declared for candidacy so far on the SJC Dems website.

In Solidarity,

Temporary Steering Committee for OR SJC (Orcas branch)
David Turnoy
Caitlin Herlihy Leck
Learner Limbach
Sharon Abreu
Mark Mayer
Linda Bannerman