Sustainability workshops offered

— from Alex Tamayo Wolf for Giving Garden —

In just four months, the Giving Garden, which is one of four garden beds in the Enchanted Food Forest at Orcas Christian School, distributed more than 100 pounds of fresh, organic vegetables to the community through the Orcas Food Bank, Senior Center, and Kaleidoscope. Sharing the Surplus, the third ethic of permaculture, is a form of “everyday activism” that reminds us activism needn’t be an extreme or large-scale effort. “Small changes over time,” as the [Chinese] proverb goes.

Now that school is starting, the food forest will supply the cafeteria with vegetables as well, and next year our newly-planted trees and shrubs will start bearing some of the most nutritious fruits, nuts, and berries available in our bio-region. And this is just the beginning: we’ll be teaching students to develop and run their own business using the Enchanted Food Forest nursery.

Join All Hands on Earth and Maura Lynn Bigge-Pritchard for a series of sustainability workshops focused on food preservation. Avoid food waste and enjoy abundance all year long by learning basic food preservation techniques. Learn to cultivate, harvest and preserve seasonal produce from local gardening expert Maura Pritchard. Processes like canning, freezing, dehydrating and fermenting will be taught during the series, as well as emphasis on creating herbal teas, salves and remedies and their uses.

Workshops are by donation taken on-site. Please RSVP as participation is limited.
More info and registration here:

Here is the data for the Harvest Preservation Workshops:

  • Sunday 8-25-19 from 3-5PM at Orcas Christian School
  • Sunday 9-1-19 from 3-5PM at Orcas Christian School
  • Sunday 9-8-19 from 3-5PM at Orcas Christian School 

There is still lots of work to do with the project, and volunteers are always welcome. “If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.” Sounds good to me!