Thursday, December 15, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Leif —

Here we are: the final Blood Drive of the year. Orcas Fire & Rescue, Lions, and Kiwanis wish to invite you to take a break in your holiday rush to let them assist you in giving just one more gift this season.

This drive by BloodWorks NW coincides with a spike in need for blood components during the holidays. Tiny Orcas Island donors provide a significant portion of the need for that day.
So schedule a break, you can reserve a spot any time at You may also call to schedule at BloodWorksNW during business hours, 1-800-398-7888 if the internet is not your thing.

Walk-ins, come on in.

Don’t forget your picture ID or Donor card. Remember to eat and drink before you come! Just visiting, have a question about your eligibility? Come for an evaluation. Getting older? on medication? flu shot or kewl tattoo? No problem.

2017 dates are:

  • March 16
  • June 8
  • August 10
  • October 12
  • December 14