— from Brooke Bruland for Orcas Island Park & Rec —

Come join the Hummingbird’s Girls Soccer Program coached by Chama Anderson and OHS Girl soccer players. Come learn how to become comfortable with the ball at your feet, learn basic intermediate soccer skills and teamwork. Also, develop your ability to be a teammate by helping each other become a more skilled and smart player. Through consistent effort you will begin to discover this beautiful game while we have fun playing soccer together.

EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Indoor soccer shoes (free of dirt and dry), shin guards, soccer socks, shorts/t-shirt, water bottle, and a positive attitude and open mind to learn. *Scholarships are available upon request. **Also first time registrants receive a FREE T-shirt!

1st Session: January 25th – February 22nd @ Orcas Island High School Gym at 10:00-11:30am for grades 2nd-5th $45/per session

2nd Session: February 29th – March 28th @ Orcas Island High School Gym at 10:00-11:30am for grades 2nd-5th $45/per session

Register now at apm.activecommunities.com/oiprd/Activity_Search/958 Scholarships available upon request. You can also show up and register at the gym.