Sunday, July 13, 8 p.m., Random Howse

— from Vince Herman, Leftover Salmon —

GipsyMoonGipsy Moon has a show coming up in the area on 7/13 at Random Howse on Orcas Island, it is a free show and music starts at 8pm.

Gipsy Moon is an acoustic love cannon blasting a new generation’s invitation to the dance of life. Based in the musical mecca of Nederland, Colorado, this five piece gipsy folk family has composed a collection of tunes that will have you dancing, singing and shouting right along with them.

Produced by Dan Rodriguez of Elephant Revival, Eventide showcases three distinct singing and writing voices, along with the instrumental chops to deliver the songs with power and finesse. Ranging from evocative meditations to full-on mountain stomps, the surprises just keep coming on Gipsy Moon’s first offering.

Mackenzie Page’s sweet clear delivery brings visions of other times and places in her compositions. David Matters’ driving claw hammer banjo and anthemic songs are the kind that stay with you all day. Silas Herman brings fiery instrumental spices into the mix on guitar and mandolin, while Andrew Conley’s rhythmic churn on cello helps drive home the unique sound of Gipsy Moon.

Together, these fine young musicians have created a powerful opening statement for what’s sure to be a long list of audio adventures ahead.

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