By Fred Klein

The effort to reach a consensus on a way forward to ensure that the facilities of the OISD are adequate to meet our collective responsibility for the education of our community’s children will kick off this coming Saturday, April 2, at the Orcas Senior Center.

Over forty islanders have responded to the open invitation to all…they have committed to spend twelve hours spread over four meetings to grapple with the issues which divided our community as evidenced by the failure of Orcas voters to pass the school bonds last year.

This event promises to break some new ground on how our community can address contentious issues which beg for community-supported solutions. If this piques your interest, there’s still time to sign up, attend, and be included.

Just imagine…Being in a space where it’s safe to express all your concerns, whether they be fears of increased taxes, loss of opportunity for your children,  lack of wisdom or accountability of how school monies are spent, or whatever they may be…

Just imagine…Being part of a process where contentious issues are raised and dealt with in a non-coercive, respectful, and surprisingly gentle manner…

Thus far, the folks who’ve signed up for this event are a pretty diverse group of people which includes opponents of the bonds, supporters, skeptics, parents, and members of the OISD school board. The one segment of our island population which will be under represented are the older gentlemen of our island…men who might be termed our “island elders.” Some that I’ve spoken to have some wisdom in this matter, but the community may not benefit if they don’t show up.

It looks like the women in that age group will be doing the heavy lifting.

Please join us…for sign-up or more information, email: