First class is Monday, Jan. 30 at 6:30 p.m. at the Library

By Betty Barats

Did your New Years Resolutions include getting a handle on your finances? Do you have a plan?  Do you know how to change your financial reality?

Financial Literacy and Prosperity Coach Betty Barats, MA is offering a series of three workshops at the Orcas Island Library to help you do just that:

  • on Monday, January 30 learn how to Change Your Relationship to Money;
  • on Tuesday, February 28 get Control of Your Debt;
  • on Tuesday, March 27be ready to Develop Prosperity Consciousness.

Each workshop time is 6:30 to 8 p.m. Pre-registration 5 days prior to each class will be $16 or $20 at the door. All materials are included. If you pre-register (including payment) for all three classes by January 27, the cost is only $40.

Seating is limited. For questions or to pre-register,  contact Betty at 376-5706 or