Tuesday, August 20, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Orcas Library

— from Kathi Ciskowski for Orcas Island Genealogy Club —

Do you want to find out if you come from kings or scoundrels? Was your family on the Mayflower? Are you related to the person sitting next to you at the Genealogy Club?

Explore these questions and others without having to leave Orcas.

Meet our mystery woman of Orcas Island. She lived here and owned property in 1917. That’s before women could even vote! We will be researching her together; one group will read through papers and files that museum director Brittany brings from OI Historical Museum and the other group will search on the internet to find facts and information unfolding her history. You can choose which group you are more comfortable with. After an allotted time, we will exchange information and then delve back into researching more before we write the biography.

Besides the research experience at this meeting, we will learn how to write a biography based on facts and information gathered in the research. This can be very helpful with all genealogy research that you do. 

Our bio of the mystery lady will be shared with the Orcas Island Historical Museum as a way for us to contribute to our local history. Learn what you need to include in a biography and how to choose the style of writing that best suits you and your project.

The Orcas Island Genealogy Club is free and open to anyone who is interested in exploring genealogy—all experience levels welcome. The monthly meetings happen on the third Tuesday of the month in the library Community Meeting Room from 10:03 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. The next meeting is on Tuesday, August 20. Please bring a laptop or other device that can connect to the internet. If you are new and want help connecting to the library version of Ancestry.com, there will be help available after the main meeting.

For more information call coordinators: Call either Vicki Leimback (206-714-3348), Rebecca Johnson (360-298-6007) or Kathi Ciskowski (360-376-4186) for more information.