Monday, January 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Emmanuel Parish Hall

— from Sharon Abreu —

Join hosts Sharon Abreu and Michael Hurwicz for this annual gathering to celebrate the life and legacy of renowned civil rights and peace activist Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The event will take place at the Emmanuel Parish Hall, 242 Main Street in Eastsound.

All are invited to bring a song, poem, thought, short story, or short reading from one of Dr. King’s speeches to share. Abreu and Hurwicz will sing and lead all who wish to participate in singing. They have been hosting an annual event on Orcas for the last decade, inspired by Dr. King’s commitment to lifting people up and presenting a powerful vision for a world of love, kindness, equality, respect, and peace.

This year, Abreu and Hurwicz are encouraging people to bring an excerpt to read from Dr. King’s speech “A Time To Break Silence” which he delivered at Riverside Church in New York City on April 4, 1967, exactly one year to the day before his assassination. This year, 2017, marks the 50th anniversary of this still timely speech.

Admission is free. Donations will benefit the Orcas Island Food Bank, Emmanuel Parish Community Dinner Kitchen, and the “Kids and Canoes” project.

Refreshments will be provided – more are welcome!

Co-Sponsored by Emmanuel Episcopal Parish

For more information, contact Sharon Abreu at 376-5773 or by email at