Wednesday, Feb. 17 at 10 a.m. at Orcas Center

— by Jan Jacobson —

gardenThe February meeting of Orcas Island Garden Club features Allison O’Sullivan, daughter of garden club members, Evangeline & Terry O’Sullivan.  Allison will speak to us about developing children’s love of healthy foods and nature through gardening.  She has extensive experience in garden classroom education and curriculum development both at Life Lab on the campus of the University of California Santa Cruz, in Santa Cruz, CA and at Zenger Farm, a working urban farm with educational programs owned by the City of Portland, Oregon.

Allison is a Stanford graduate in Anthropological Science, and was a Peace Corp volunteer from 2006-2008 in Ghana, in West Africa, where she established a Shea butter production plant and a Mango Plantation.  Allison will teach us how to explore, eat and play in the garden with our children and grandchildren.  The meeting is February 17, 2016, at 10 a.m., in the Madrona Room of Orcas Center.  For more information see