On Wednesday, February 16, at 10:30 a.m., the Orcas Island and Lopez Island Garden Clubs’ virtual (Zoom) meeting will feature Jennifer Harris presenting A Designed Pacific Northwest Native Meadow on San Juan Island: bare root native perennials, natives from seed, and mineral mulches.

Jennifer Harris

This presentation will be recorded. The link to the live meeting, hosted by the Orcas Island Library, is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84063611347?pwd=UitVTlBYWjRvNXlGMEU4anZPbkZ0dz09

Jenny will tell us about the garden at the Joyce Sobel Family Resource Center on San Juan Island. Jenny designed it to be self-sustaining and supportive of insects, birds, mammals (including people), and plants. 

Jenny Harris is a gardener, horticulturist, and planting designer. She has been working with plants, gardens, and the people who care for them in the San Juan Islands since the early 1990s.  Her areas of interest include planting site appropriate and climate resilient plants, ethical garden maintenance, ecological and naturalistic design, and nurturing of the biodiversity gardens can support. Teaching gardening and spreading the love of plants and knowledge about them, and gained from them, is her favorite role.

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