Wednesday, May 16, 10 a.m., Orcas Center

— from Helen Huber for Orcas Garden Club —

The Orcas Island Garden Club welcomes Emily Bishton, sustainable gardening educator, landscaper, and master gardener on Wednesday, May 16 at 10 a.m. at the Orcas Center.

Emily will speak about “The Right Plant for the Right Place”, offering a holistic view of the plants, insects, birds, microorganisms, and other creatures that share our gardens. She’ll show us how to create a sustainable garden, no matter how challenging the site.

The Orcas Island Garden Club welcomes new members and encourages gardeners, landscapers, farmers, and those who love nature to enjoy this month’s presentation, stop by our membership table, and consider becoming a member.

Guests are encouraged to sign our guest book. Attendees may enjoy our monthly free raffle and enjoy treats in the social hour following the meeting.