— from Jan Jacobsen —

Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 10:30 a.m., Orcas Center Madrona Room

GCLogoIt’s the special meeting we look forward to all year, the December Holiday Tea. Bring your prettiest flowered tea cup and your good cheer to hear our speaker Kari Koski, owner of Kari’s Island Elixirs. “Shrubs, Switchels, and Bitters, Oh My!” will give you a new outlook on what a shrub is.  You may think you know what a shrub is, but think again, and  this time think fruit, vinegar, sugar, something to sip, infuse in a carbonated beverage, or use in a dessert. Kari Koski, coming to us from San Juan Island, was a hit at the county fair this past summer. She will demonstrate how to make seasonal botanical blends and cocktail recipes and even give us a taste.

Members will enjoy the potluck lunch on tables with holiday centerpieces created by the Nest in Eastsound and given away in a drawing to round out our festive meeting.  For further information, see www.orcasislandgardenclub.org