The Funhouse Activities Network (FAN) is a volunteer group open to anyone interested in contributing their time, talents, or treasure to benefit the children and community of Orcas Island.

Funhouse supporters, parents, youth, and community members come together in FAN to help plan, promote, and present activities hosted and/or sponsored by The Funhouse.  Members of FAN volunteer their time, ideas, and efforts to improve The Funhouse and its programs and support the vital role it plays on Orcas and within our Island’s community.

Meetings are held approximately once per month, and all are welcome (but attendance is not mandatory).  FAN members may also assist with various Funhouse events throughout the year, including Teen Nights, classes and workshops, the Science Fair, One World Music Festival, the annual fund-raising Gala, and a membership drive.

FANs are valued members of The Funhouse team, dedicated to furthering The Funhouse’s mission of fostering fun and learning on Orcas!  Input from FAN is important to provide The Funhouse with fresh, inspired ideas to keep our kids engaged.  FAN participants have a chance to shape The Funhouse’s programs and offerings, originate new directions and dimensions for The Funhouse and the community it serves, and work together with a vibrant group in a truly rewarding venture.

Be a part of the fun and be a part of FAN!  Our first meeting in January 13th at 5:30 p.m. at The Funhouse.

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